UncategorizedCase Study Guide for Jedburgh Mentors

Based on the US Marine Corps Case Study Users Guide, produced by Radio Free Ukraine as part of the Battle of Hostomel Case Study for Cadet, Officer and NCO Professional development sessions between Ukrainian and US participants, led by US Army Special Forces veterans who are subject matter experts.

Case Study Jedburgh Mentor Responsibilities: In preparing for the discussion, the Jedburgh Mentor should become fully conversant with the facts of the case, and should conduct the same analysis he/she expects the group to engage in. Beyond that basic requirement, the Jedburgh Mentor will be prepared with both content and process, including a clear set of teaching/learning objectives, a call list, a board plan, an opening question, discussion probes, transitions, follow-up questions, and closing comments. The Jedburgh Mentor should become familiar with Zoom or other technology used as a discussion venue – audio/visual requirements, assignments, supplemental materials, etc. Thorough preparation includes learning about the backgrounds of the students in the small groups in order to develop an informed call plan that maximized the richness of their diverse experiences. Jedburgh Mentors should be prepared to start and end the session on time while ensuring all-hands participation and adequate time to summarize group outcomes. Finally, Jedburgh Mentors should have a plan to collect and share post-event critiques.

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