HomeAuthorSun Tzu, Author at Radio Free Ukraine - Page 2 of 3

Irregular Warfare Lesson Learned from War in Ukraine2024 Radio Free Ukraine’s Jedburgh Team 2.11.2024Executive Summary (BLUF): Analysis of interview with Russian Prisoner of War in Ukraine, Major Timur Abdurakhmanov Commander of the “Alga” Battalion of the 72nd OMSBR of the Russian Federation from Dagestan, who was taken prisoner-of-war POW by the 3rd Assault Brigade during...

PLANNING AND PREPARATION CONSIDERATIONS for Radio Free Ukraine Jedburgh’s involved in battalion and brigade force protection training for UA Territorial Defense and Irregular Forces during Mobile Training Team MTTs. Our team of retired US Army senior Special Forces veterans will support force protection train the trainer MTTs with leadership and organizational “how-to” sessions for battalion...

July 14, 2022     In Melitopol, the occupiers are looking for traitors for salary, because they cannot find “pro-Ukrainian citizens”, i.e. the majority, willing to surrender. The enemy called the vacancy “head of the information security department.” To become the head of the department of traitors, it is not necessary to have work experience and...

July 9, 2022 Let’s talk about the passportization of the Russian Federation, namely why it is the enemy, how he creates the prerequisites for it and what it threatens those who still agreed to receive the red paper. By issuing their pieces of paper, which in Russia are called “passports”, the occupier pursues a number...

HOW TO RESIST RUSSIAN PROPAGANDA. INSTRUCTION The Russian propaganda machine uses its “journalists” in the war. The secret services control every news release in Russia and direct every story related to the war. Therefore, you can be used in Russian propaganda, even without your knowledge. Moreover, communication with propagandists can endanger your life. We have developed some key tips...